FERTILITY vitamins & NUTRITION what to eat and not to eat for HEALTHY OVUM

nutrition is an important part in increasing fertility potential. Food choices can positively affect reproductive function in a number of ways. Specific foods are believed to support reproductive efforts, promote the health of a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm, and provide crucial nutrients for hormonal function, production, and balance. In addition to the direct impact of a nutritious diet on fertility, healthy food choices are critical to build up nutrient stores and supply all of the building blocks necessary for fetal growth and development.

Many of the food sources that are thought to fuel fertility are similar to the Mediterranean diet. This diet is rich in plant-based foods, namely whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. A Spanish study of more than 2,000 women determined that only 17 percent of women who followed a strict Mediterranean diet reported fertility issues, compared to 26 percent of women who ate a more “western diet” containing fatty meats and highly processed foods.

These findings remain consistent even with the use of assisted reproductive technology (ART; such as IUI, IVF, and ICSI). Researchers have documented a 40 percent increase in successful ART outcomes when participating individuals consumed a Mediterranean diet.