Exercises to Boost IMMUNE SYSTEM – Prevention of coronavirus infection – Exercises 45+

Prevention of viral diseases, minimization of their consequences, elimination of complications.

In today’s world, viruses and bacteria are becoming more aggressive. This is due to many reasons, including the growth rate of technological progress, environmental damage, etc.
With the right attitude to one’s health and the competent use of the hidden reserves of the body, humanity is able to resist diseases. However, not knowing how to take advantage of this does not allow people to properly organize their minds to maintain health. Ancient wisdom says that the mind becomes the enemy of the one who does not control it.
This year, the world is faced with the problem of COVID 19. This virus leads to serious complications, especially it poses a danger to the elderly, whose body is weakened by age-related changes.
The set of exercises proposed by us consists of oriental practices and will be useful for people aged 45+. Engaging in this technique, a person uses the body’s reserves for healing (blood circulation improves, the work of the cardiovascular system, metabolism normalizes, pressure stabilizes, joints and spine are developed). All this leads to an increase in the body’s defenses, strengthening of immunity, and the ability to actively resist viruses and bacteria. The likelihood of illness decreases.
There are already examples in the world when people suffered from COVID 19 without symptoms and complications, thanks to strong immunity.
The complex is recommended to be done outdoors during sunrise or sunset, when energy surges are strong, which gives the most effective result. Drink a glass of drinking water before starting exercise.
So let’s get started. Let’s start with normalizing breathing.
We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands hang freely on the sides, we look in front of us.
Inhale freely with your nose, exhale with your mouth 3 times, while pushing the air out with your stomach.
Next, we perform full breathing, which consists of upper, diaphragmatic and lower.
Upper: breathe freely through the nose, the tip of the tongue touches the upper part of the palate, unfold the shoulder blades, filling the trachea, bronchi and upper part of the lungs with air.
Medium: push the air further into the lungs, raise the diaphragm.
Lower: push the air lower, inflate the lower abdomen.
We do all this sequentially – one breath consists of upper + middle + lower breathing. We exhale with the mouth in the reverse order, longer than the inhalation by one and a half times.
Complete breathing is performed 5 times.
After 3 full breaths, we try to gently inhale a little more, hold our breath for a second and exhale sharply with our mouth three times, while pushing out the air with the lower abdomen. 4 and 5 we take breaths without delay by analogy with c1 and 2.
Exercise # 1.
Head turns to the left and right. When turning to the side, we inhale. Return to starting position – exhale. The exercise is performed 12 times in one direction and the other.
Exercise number 2.
Head rotation in different directions is performed 21 times. One completed exercise is a full 360-degree right and left circular rotation.
Subsequent joint rotation exercises are performed according to the indicated scheme.
Exercise number 3.
Flexion of the first phalanx of the fingers of both hands is performed 21 times, over time we bring it to 100.
Exercise number 4.
Flexion of the second phalanx of the fingers of both hands is performed 21 times, over time we bring it to 100.
After doing the exercises, massage the fingers of both hands from the little finger to the big one and in reverse order.
Exercise number 5.
Rotation of the hands in one direction and the other. We stretch our arms to the sides. We carry out circular rotations forward – backward 21 times according to the scheme.
Exercise number 6.
Rotation of the elbow joints of the hands in one direction and the other. We stretch our arms to the sides. We carry out circular rotations forward – backward 21 times according to the scheme.
Exercise number 7.
Rotation of the shoulder joints of the hands in one direction and the other. We stretch our arms to the sides. We carry out circular rotations forward – backward 21 times according to the scheme.
Exercise number 8. Rotation of the shoulder joints of the hands. We stretch our arms to the sides. We make circular rotations. The right hand rotates forward, while the left one rotates backward, perform 12 times. We change the position of the hands, perform the exercise 12 times.
Please note that full breathing is performed naturally, without any tension. If you notice that your eyes are getting dark and your head is spinning, stop immediately. This indicates the incorrect execution of this form.
Correct execution of complete breathing normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system of the body, clarifies consciousness, increases natural immunity, and neutralizes the pathogenic environment