Covid, keto and ivermectin. More and more people mistrust the US election. Scott Atlas not fired

Thumbnail: I made the image from a classic Swedish poster that says that socialists should not drink on Valborg (April the 30th) because they must not be hangover on the 1st of May.

You do not need to worry about covid if you make sure to follow my simple advice about vitamin D, enough zinc and minerals (avoid bread/pasta with your fish and meat) and get other vitamins by eating some liver, and would you still get sick, there are zinc pills, green tea (extract), quercetin, star anise, black cumin, honey, vitamin C, garlic and so on…

Swedish video, but Elsa Widding explains very clearly how the founders of IPCC openly admits that they are lying about the science and that they only care about changing the perception of politicians and the public. The climate alarmism has become a cult, and has nothing to do with science:

The US election fraud:

General Flynn about the election:

“This has another General and other guest … tells that the Kraken is the nickname for the 305 intelligence Battalion”

Dead people voting: They vote so badly! There should be a law that forbid dead people to vote!

Media and agencies has still found no evidence that vitamin D helps against covid. They must be totally blind:

My video about the most importande things to know about D:

Small underpowered Italian proof-of-concept study of ketogenic diet for hospitalized Covid-19 patients points to promising immunomodulation (i.e. cytokine storm) benefits.
Randomized trial now underway.

Dr Redondo (Dominican Republic) has treated 7,000 symptomatic patients with ivermectin, azithromycin and zinc.
His conclusion: 99.3% recovery rate, number and duration of hospitalizations halved, mortality rate down from 9 to 1%.

French article about Ivermectin:

A tip from one of my subscribers Gloria Ryan:
“I take cinnamon, tumeric, and ginger with black pepper in green tea everyday.I can tell it helps with body pain ( arthritis). ”

Swedish text from Nils Simonson about vitamin D explaining the same as my vitamin D video:

If you can understand that through a translator, you see that the text doesn’t start with the most important and interesting thing first. Never make that mistake, and your text will become way more effective!

Not fired:
Scott Atlas was serving on the White House coronavirus task force on a 130-day Special Government Employee detail, and his role was set to expire this week.

Not news: A Swedish agency has gone through all the research on “long covid” and they didn’t find any useful tips in all the studies.

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