"Corona Sense"… Nothing COMMON About It!

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Anthony F—Gain of Function Study:
They wont let me post this link… Ill email it out this week to my email list.

Billy G— computer science degree— VIDEO OF HIM WITH DEPOPULATION

Nursing homes? They have NEVER studied the safety of the vaccines on this population!

Giving Birth ALONE!!!

Masks and social distancing with numbers then vs now— CASE NUMBERS NOW


Vaccine that is 90% effective vs immune system that is 99.5% Vaccine doesn’t prevent spread of the coronavirus, only covers the symptoms.

Immunity not good enough with this… only vaccine is good enough… even measles you can do a test for titers to see if you are immune to measles

Covid at restaurants— masks when you walk but not when you sit…

Kids going to school, every OTHER DAY…

Can’t use cash! Can’t go to small business! No more than 10 EXCEPT Walmart, Costco, Etc

Death reporting— Co morbidity

Flu vs COVID. COVID 2020 14,000,000 illnesses —– Flu 2019 38,000,000 illnesses

We paid to make the vaccine and we have to pay to get it???

Only 6% of COVID deaths were ONLY Covid…

Zinc and Hydrochloroquin —- Blocked from hospitals

Dr Baker is a chiropractor, thank God!