Birth Circle Podcast – Nutrition for Pregnancy and Postpartum – Ryann Kipping

Today, we talk with Ryann Kipping, a clinically trained Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Lactation Educator, and Author of The Feel-Good Pregnancy Cookbook ( She is the founder of The Prenatal Nutritionist ( a virtual nutrition private practice which focuses on preparing women for pregnancy and conquering nutrition during and after pregnancy.

We begin by talking about common myths and questions surrounding prenatal nutrition. This includes how much caffeine is safe to consume during pregnancy, as well as the effects caffeine can have on your baby. We do the same for soft cheeses, sushi, and other fish. We talk about how your diet can cause or relieve morning sickness, including how simple carbs are the most tolerable for your stomach.

Ryann then gives a list of nutrients you need to focus on consuming more of during pregnancy. The first is Choline, which is important for developing your baby’s brain, and is found in egg yolks. The next is Vitamin D, which your body can produce in the sun around midday, and is found in egg yolks, fatty fish, mushrooms, and fortified milk and supplements (D3 is preferable over D2). The third nutrient is magnesium, which is important for preventing nausea, gestational diabetes, pre-term birth, and preeclampsia, and is found in avocado, nuts and seeds, dark chocolate, and spinach.

We then talk about what causes heartburn in pregnancy, and what can be done to prevent and relieve heartburn during pregnancy. We give tips for determining which foods trigger heartburn for you. We discuss how to find the best prenatal vitamins. Ryann shares some things that she has recognized as poor nutritional advice. We discuss diet and eating habits during the first trimester.

We then talk more about health and nutrition during the pre-conception period, as well as how nutrition affects fertility. We then discuss micronutrient testing and working with a dietician. We talk about nutrition and changes in diet during postpartum and breastfeeding. We finish our discussion by talking about ways to prevent preeclampsia.

To learn more, visit, or look up Ryann on Instagram (@prenatalnutritionist).  

• 3:59 Debunking Myths About Prenatal Nutrition
• 12:47 Which Nutrients Do You Need More of During Pregnancy?
• 22:11 Heartburn in Pregnancy and Prenatal Vitamins 
• 33:15 Nutrition and Fertility. 
• 37:21 Diet and Postpartum 

“Micronutrient testing can get a bit expensive, so I will say if you have the means to do it, and you can afford it, then definitely do it. Testing helps you know what nutrients you’re good on and what nutrients you need to focus more on and possibly supplement with. At the bare minimum, definitely get vitamin D, definitely get iron, definitely get B-12.” 35:42

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