How do vitamins work Their correct use

Welcome to today’s video in which we will discuss how do vitamins work, and their correct use.

this video came as result of a recent visit to one my friend’s pharmacy, and I was astonished at the number of people purchasing vitamins without any prescription, sure vitamins can be purchased without one as I explained in the video, and I’m also sure that some people know what they’re buying and how to use them, but to do my duty as a Chemical Engineer and a Microbiologist, I must inform the vast majority on how to use vitamins, when to use them, and most importantly, the danger related with overtaking them.

Hope you’ll find this vided enlightening and if you did, please share it with as many people as possible to help them make informed decisions when it comes to taking vitamins.

Subscribe to the channel as we have endless natural remedies that we will be posting on a regular basis to help you stay healthy.

Our next video is going to be about minerals, so stay tuned for that.

Thanks for stopping by.

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To your health