What Are The Health Benefits of Zinc and Magnesium on The Human Body?

Zinc and Magnesium are two important minerals that are vital for the proper functioning of our body. Research continues to show the important effects of both. With heightened interest in preventative health and deepening science into the two minerals, experts predict that Magnesium and Zinc sales could surpass those of Calcium, which currently holds the top spot in the minerals market.
The main benefits of combining these minerals include
• Reduce tiredness and fatigue
• Boost natural energy production
• Maintain healthy bones
However our modern lifestyles can sometimes lead to a deficiency in these two important minerals. Too much caffeine, alcohol, or stress can affect the way that our body absorbs and loses zinc and magnesium, which can lead to a range of health problems.

Zinc is important to our cells, affecting the way we grow and develop. Zinc specifically has been shown to

• Condition our hair, skin, and nails
• Affect the way we think and our cognitive functions
• Support fertility
• Keep our bones, immune system, and vision healthy
• Act as an antioxidant
• Support our metabolism of key nutrients, including protein, carbs, and vitamin A
• It’s also been used to treat diarrhoea in children.

Magnesium is an important nutrient for just about every organ in our body. Magnesium has been shown to
• Reduce tiredness and fatigue
• support our nervous system
• have a positive Impact on our psychology, including moods
• Support the health of our muscles, bones, and teeth

Magnesium deficiency is the second most common deficiency in developed countries, right behind vitamin D.

If you suspect you might be deficient in either of these minerals, a supplement is a relatively safe way of supporting your dietary intake. The modern Western diet is typically high in carbohydrates and grains, which aren’t great sources of zinc or magnesium.
A zinc and magnesium supplement can come in a few different forms. You could try just a magnesium supplement or just a zinc supplement. Or you can find a blend of the two with a zinc and magnesium supplement, or a multivitamin called ZMA, which is typically a blend of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Click here to see some of the best combined zinc and magnesium supplements.

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And I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this next video on 28 Amazing Health Benefits of ZINC for Men & Women on The Human Body
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