Covid Panic and lockdown refugees. Disappointing study on Vitamin D. US election lawsuits 3/7 needed

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Do people like lockdowns? Slovenia vs Croatia:

And people are fleeing to Sweden to escape too.

Fun fact:

“We estimate that each infected person carries 10⁹-10¹¹ virions during peak infection, with a total mass of about 1 µg-0.1 mg, which curiously implies that all SARS-CoV-2 virions currently in the world have a mass of only 0.1-1 kg.”

The establishment leftist are increasingly insane:

This is now the Left’s goal – throw President Trump, his administration officials, his family and his supporters in prison.
This is where we are now. Disgusting.

When mainstream media is talking about Bitcoin it’s time to sell?

But too early now. Bitcoin has a way to go, and its used is a digal collateral in crypto asset market places.

But the bullrun for gold seams to be over as there are more interesting investments to do right now:

Brazilian randomized controlled trial (n=240) of vitamin D supplementation (200,000 IU one dose) in serious Covid patients (90% on oxygen) 10 days after symptom onset does not shorten hospital length of stay or meet other endpoints (death, ICU).
Henrik Wallin:
Using #VitaminD instead of #calcifediol might me the problem here
Vitamin D is useless if the liver can not make calcifediol of it because of deficiencies. No, that was not the problem. Calcifediol-levels went up just fine!

See comments here:

Single bolus dosing does not work
10 out of 16 (62.5%) with 60,000IU vit-d a day for 7 days became negative
Compared to 5 out of 24 (20.8%) with placebo in 21 days

Masks help or don’t…
Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers

Serbian Warning: What Happened When Their Elections Were Stolen in 2000

G explains Smartmatics and how it founded in Venezuela:
American Votes Tallied In Foreign Countries | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 87

Giuliani present the situation:

If 3+/7 lawsuits succeed, Trump is president

We love you sheepie:

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