TOP 5 vitamins for hair growth. Why are they so essential for hair loss?

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Dull, weak, and brittle hair is not only a cosmetic problem. It indicates that the body urgently needs an additional intake of vitamins. Let’s discuss which vitamins are the most efficient against hair loss and how to choose them!

The lack of vitamins immediately affects the condition of hair and nails. It’s the very first sign of hypovitaminosis. The lack of nutrients is the main reason why nails begin to break and peel, hair falls out, loses shine and elasticity, becomes dry, and grows very slowly. Dry scalp is also one of the indicators of vitamin deficiency.

Don’t think that the lack of vitamins is only a winter problem. Most of the vitamins vital for hair health do not present in fruits, vegetables, and berries. Mostly, they are in animal products, vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts.

Many of us suffer from a lack of vitamins. If you want to have beautiful, healthy, and dense hair, you cannot count only on masks and shampoos – you need to strengthen your hair from inside.

0:00 – Intro
0:34 – Vitamin B7 Biotin
01:21 – Vitamin C
01:53 – Vitamin E
02:16 – Vitamin A
03:15 – Zinc