10 Essential Vitamins, its sources and vitamin health benefits

Vitamin health benefits
Vitamins are unsaturated organic compound which is required in small quantities to sustain our life. Major part of this requirement comes from the food that we eat and foods are best source of vitamins. Therefore it is very important to consider different colors on a plate comprising of different fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for vision, reproduction, immunity, growth and it has an antioxidant properties.

Health Benefits of Vitamin A
It is responsible for young looking skin, beautiful hair, healthy nails, sharp vision and strong bones.

Sources of Vitamin A
It can be mostly found in carrots, citrus fruit, hard cheese, spinach, milk cottage cheese, eggs, fish, parsley, milk and liver.

Daily recommended amount
According to National Institutes of Health, Office of dietary supplements, 400mcg to 1300mcg of vitamin A is a daily recommended amount depending on age and sex.

Vitamin A deficiencies
The inadequate intake of Vitamin A can result in fat mal-absorption, liver disorders, impairs immunity, cause rashes, and night blindness. The deficiencies of Vitamin A are caused due to insufficient levels of retinol below 28ug/dL and lead to skin disease and retardation of growth in children.

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