395: Gratitude and Silver Linings of This Year – Thanksgiving Podcast

It’s been such a tough year for many people, and Thanksgiving is bound to feel different for many of us. In tough and uncertain times, it’s easy to focus on the negative… but what’s the benefit in that?In this Thanksgiving podcast, I share the lessons I’ve learned through all of this, including reinventing many aspects of my homeschool, my health, and my community. From reading all of your comments and e-mails, I can tell that in spite of it all (or maybe because of it) this has been an incredible teaching year for many, many people — myself included.I’d love to hear from you too in the comments if you’ve found a silver lining this year, or what has helped you the most.Most of all, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to tell you how much I appreciate all of you! I’ve received so many encouraging and appreciative emails and comments from moms all over the world this year. Please know that it makes all the difference!Episode Highlights: Thanksgiving Podcast With Katie Our rollercoaster of personal highs and lows in 2020 Some unexpected new ways the pandemic has taught us to look at life The way we start our homeschooling day What this year has taught me about my approach to homeschooling One of the most important vitamins we’re making sure to get enough of this year Why building a micro-community has made all the difference The spreadsheet I made for personal growth Books and resources that have helped me the most And more!Resources We Mention Vitamin D 8 Sauna Benefits for Body and Mind Kids Cook Real Food e-course Favorite TED Talks for Moms, Kids & Family 273: The Power of Movement for Mind and Body With Aaron Alexander of The Align Podcast 367: Creating Your Tribe: Micro-Communities for School, Activities, & Social Support The Untethered SoulMore From Wellness Mama 384: Building a Village, Creating Strong Relationships & Biohacking Tips With Michael Trainer 309: How I Overcame Trauma (and Lost 50 Pounds) 364: Mindset Strategies to Survive and Thrive as a Homeschooling, Working Parent With Carrie Husse 390: How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kids for Success With Julie Lythcott-Haims 6 Favorite Practical Homeschool Resources (My Kids Love) Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?What’s the silver lining for you this Thanksgiving? Please drop a comment below or leave a review on iTunes to let us know. We value knowing what you think and this helps other moms find the podcast as well.[toggle title=”Read Transcript”]Child: Welcome to my Mommy’s podcast.This episode is brought to you by Joovv Red Light Therapy. Red light therapy, also called photobiomodulation, has been a part of my life for many years. I discovered this years ago when doing some research and specifically found the benefits for hair, skin, thyroid, energy levels, many other things as well. And the reason for this is that our bodies need light. We think about food as the fuel for our bodies, and it is, but light is also a very important type of fuel for our bodies and for ourselves. And many of us get too much of certain types of light, like blue artificial indoor spectrums of light, and not enough of other types of light, like outdoor light, all the spectrum that come from the sun, and including red light, which is why I love having an option in my house where I can make sure I’m getting enough red light daily. It’s done wonders for my wellness routine, and that’s why I’ve made it such a priority. I’ve noticed a difference in my energy levels and in my skin when I use it regularly. And I wanted to talk to you about Joovv today specifically because they have long been the leader in red light therapy. But they’ve also just now come out with a new generation of devices that have upgrades that are really exciting. Their devices are sleeker, lighter, and with all of the same power of their original devices. But they’ve intensified their coverage area so you can stand as much as three times further