Ultimate Immune Support Smoothie

If you think you’ll struggle to keep your normal diet this Thanksgiving, try this seasonal immune system supporting smoothie, packed with critical nutrients for antibody production, T cell diversity, antioxidant activity, and more.

B6 (from banana, Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus):
Support antibody production.

Folate (from almond butter, pumpkin, Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus):
Avoid immune impairment found in clinical folate deficiency.

B12 (from milk, Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus):
Avoid immune cell decreases found in B12 deficiency.

Zinc (from almond butter, Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus):
Support white blood cells.

Selenium (from milk, Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus):
Support normal immune response.

Vitamin D (from milk):
Stimulate certain immune cells, regulate certain antimicrobial proteins.

Vitamin A (from pumpkin):
Support immune organs, and production and maturation of immune cells.

Vitamin E (from almond butter):
Support white blood cells, fight free radicals.

Vitamin C (from Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C):
Support antibodies, T cells, fight free radicals.

Glutathione (from Lypo-Spheric Glutathione):
Support T cells, fight free radicals.

Buy Lypo-Spheric supplements: