Covid19 Immune Boost Protocol from the Infinity Healing Practice with Swift River Everdy

Use this video to support and boost your immune system in relation to the COVID-19 virus.

Swift guides your though this simple protocol using the Infinity Healing Practice and Neural Organizational Techniques.

This virus asks us to ignite fear. Instead of allowing that to take over, ignite your love of being alive and boost your vitality and your capacity to confront this virus physically and energetically.

Swift River Everdy is a certified Energy Healer and Intuitive Guide trained in The Infinity Healing Practice. She works with clients to bring them to their own awareness and knowing through the connection between the body and the infinite being. She offers intuitive support, healing and teaches a rock star toolbox to apply to daily life and the drama that comes with having a body and being human.

After her own tussle in life from “the expected path” to “blown the heck open,” she now is taking all that she’s learned and studied and teaches others to get ferociously curious about their healing journeys. She supports people to travel from stuck, confused and in pain, to clear, open and aware. Through teaching the tools of Infinity Healing she works individually and in groups exposing the deep and clear knowings that are just under the surface.

Check out more from Swift with her free 5-Day Mini Course: Ask Away to take curiosity to the next level.
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