392: Understanding Genetics vs Epigenetics: How Genes Work Like Dominos and What Yours Are

I am thrilled to say today I’m sitting down for round two with Dr. Ben Lynch, one of my favorite experts on genetics and epigenetics. He’s going to give us some very practical, useful tips on supporting your health by paying attention to your genes, and how to teach your kids to do this too. In this episode, we go deep on the concept that genes work much like dominoes… when one flips, it triggers a whole line of other effects.If you’re not already familiar with him, Dr. Ben Lynch has his degree in cellular and molecular biology as well as a doctorate in naturopathic medicine. He is considered one of the foremost experts on nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction.I really, really enjoyed this episode, and I think you will too!Episode Highlights: Dr. Ben Lynch & Strategene Why your genes are not your destiny but they’re important to understand Histamine elevated in every pregnancy complication A “wine stack” to take to drink if you have issue with wine How a histamine block like a DAO Another important reason to filter your water What the methionine pathway is and why we need to understand it The role of creatine and how this can be important for kids too Why SIBO is a gallbladder issue Specific tips for helping kids with eczema and skin issues like eczema The right form of choline to supplement with and why this is important The thing that could be hurting your liver without you even knowing it What your biggest detoxification organ is (that isn’t what you think) How to use a spray bottle with probiotics and water to help skin issues Why sweat is important and why heat/sweat is the most important part for any sauna Specific recommendations for supplements around sauna How mindset affects genes- it’s dramatic The way mindset can literally turn genes on and off And more!Resources We Mention Seeking Health + StrateGene 8 Sauna Benefits for Body and Mind Creatrix Sauna The Best Water Filter For Home Use (Pitcher, Charcoal, Under-Counter) ProBiota HistaminX Liver Nutrients Vitamin D drops Fish oil Books: Turning Pro by Stephen Pressfield, Think and Grow Rich,Did you enjoy this episode? Please drop a comment below or leave a review on iTunes to let us know. We value knowing what you think and this helps other moms find the podcast as well.[toggle title=”Read Transcript”]Child: Welcome to my Mommy’s podcast.Today’s episode is brought to you by Athletic Greens, the all-in-one daily drink to support better health and peak performance. Even with a balanced diet, it can be difficult to cover all of your nutritional bases and this is where Athletic Greens can help. Their daily drink is essentially nutritional insurance for your body and it’s delivered straight to your door every month. It’s developed from a complex blend of 75 minerals, vitamins, and whole-food ingredients. It’s a greens powder that’s engineered to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet. Their daily drink improves your everyday performance by addressing the four pillars of health, energy, recovery, gut health, and immune support. It’s packed with adaptogens for recovery, probiotics and digestive enzymes for gut health, and vitamin C and zinc for immune support. It’s basically an all-in-one solution to help your body meet its nutritional needs. And it’s highly absorbable and diet-friendly, whether you are keto, vegan, paleo, dairy-free, gluten-free, etc. It has less than one gram of sugar and it tastes great. And here’s how I used it and still use it. When I started losing weight, I was eating a lot more protein, and it became hard to get enough greens and vegetables in because it was hard to actually eat enough volume of food. I was full. So I was able to use Athletic Greens to meet my veggie and nutritional needs, even if I was full and just didn’t feel like eating extra. It’s basically like a multivitamin, but it’s actually head and shoulders above a lot of multivitamins.They don’t use any GMOs or harmful chemicals. And it’s