Shield your immune system Be Strong Exercises

Boost your immune system be strong and get fit. Unexpected symptoms in COVID-19 . With an infection as nasty as the coronavirus, it might seem like you’d know right away if you were sick. But in reality, that’s not how this works, many people do have the telltale dry and hacking cough, along with a fever that can hit frighteningly high levels. But experts has revealed there are others common symptoms, including some you’d never guess could be a sign of a COVID-19 infection. Sometimes they strike alongside the cough and fever. But other times, these unusual symptoms show up on their own. For example, patients who turned up in emergency rooms with blood sugar that was spiraling out of control for no apparent reason had the coronavirus. for half all patients who came in not because of “classic” coronavirus symptoms but due to raging gastrointestinal problems. They also found coronavirus in good % of patients who came into the ER with: weakness, falls, fatigues, altered mental status, seniors, in particular, are much more likely to have coronavirus infection with these and other seemingly unusual and unexpected symptoms. Even more chillingly, seniors with warning signs such as dehydration, altered mental status, falls, and high blood sugar have a higher risk of death from the infection. That is why I recommends your regular exercises 3-5 times a week 30 minutes a day, and your healthy diet #workout #fitness #cure #wellness #healthylifestyle #weightloss #staysafe #cubanmusic #salsa #cubanosporelmundo #exercise #motivation #physique #sportsperformance #pressupworkout #healthyfood #mentalhealth #savelives #immunesystem #strong