Working 1:1 with clients helping them improve their energy with Vitamin B's

Vitamin B’s are incredibly important to include in our everyday diet.

Here is a quick video explaining why and how you can get these from certain foods.
There are so many health benefits with this group of Vitamins but one example I’ve noticed with feedback from my 1:1 clients, is the improved energy levels.

I hope this helps.
If you have any questions then please let me know.
If you are looking to work on a 1:1 basis with me to help you with your health goals then please visit

Take care
(MSc Personalised Nutrition, NLP Practitioner, BSL Interpreter)
#vitaminB #immunesupport #mentalhealth #moreenergy #healthgoals
#weightloss #fatloss #investinyourhealth #nutritionaltherapy #soniahollis