Easy way making Miracle Fruit Juice!

Health Benefit of Miracle Fruit:

Beneficial Health Attributes of the Miracle Berry

But aside from this incredible ability, the miracle berry itself has some very beneficial attributes of its own. The miracle fruit contains noteworthy amounts of several vitamins, contains several amino acids required by the body, has shown anti-cancer properties with colon cancer cells, and can help lower insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients.

A High Concentration of Flavonoids

The pulp of the berry has been shown to contain a relatively high concentration of flavonoids while compounds such as tannin and saponin are also present in smaller concentrations. Flavonoids protect cell membranes from damage and saponins are known to reduce glucose and cholesterols and reduce inflammation. The compounds found in the miracle berry offer antioxidant qualities, lowering levels of free radicals and reducing stress on organs.

Contains Many Important Vitamins

The miracle berry contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Vitamin C stimulates white cell production which is the body’s first defense against infections and pathogens. Vitamin A aids vision health, supports a healthy immune system, bone health, and reproductive systems. Vitamin E supports vision, reproduction, and the health of blood, brain, and skin while also having antioxidant properties. Vitamin K supports blood clotting and bone health.

Anti-Colon Cancer Attributes

Miracle berries have also been shown to have anti-cancer effects on colon cancer cells according to a study conducted this year at De LaSalle University in the Philippines.

Reduce Insulin Resistance

One of the most important health attributes of the miracle berry is its ability to reduce insulin resistance for diabetic patients. Recent research conducted in Taiwan has reported that the polyphenols found in the miracle berry had the ability to improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics and decrease plasma glucose.

Masks Metallic Taste for Chemoherapy Patients

Miraculin is capable of masking the metallic taste of food that chemotherapy patients often experience which can lead to an aversion to eating and subsequent weight loss. Doctors have embraced the ability of miracle fruit to improve the quality of life for chemotherapy patients, enabling them to get the nutrition they need for recovery.