5 Nutrients You Can Use to Improve Your Immunity

Today we really want to focus on immunity as we move into the winter. While there are concerns with the flu and normal sicknesses, now COVID has many people concerned. So what can you do to improve your immune system?

Before you fear getting sick, before you go out and run out and get vaccines, think about what can you do to actually improve your own natural immunity. You were designed with an immune system that is specifically responsible for fighting off infection and disease and keeping you healthy.

With all the talk about fear and concern of getting sick, I find very few people are talking about what can you do to actually prevent illness by strengthening your own immune system so no matter what happens, you have the best possible outcome. And that’s really what we’re all about is empowering people like you to live a healthy life naturally. Where medicine is used as a last resort and to help your body heal itself.

5 Nutrients That Boost the Immune System

Number one is going to be vitamin C. Now everybody knows about vitamin C. And we know that vitamin C is good for the immune system, but vitamin C is also an antioxidant, which means it protects your cells from damage and stress, and it supports many healthy systems within your body.

This time of year, you should be taking at least 1000 IUs per day of a naturally sourced vitamin C. I usually take about 2000. You can take as much as 10,000 if you’re working on fighting something off.

The next one is going to be vitamin D. The reason why vitamin D is so essential, especially now during the winter, is because the days are shorter, it’s colder outside, we’re wearing more clothes and we’re not getting as much exposure to the sun. The sun is our primary source of vitamin D. So if we’re not exposed to the sun, we’re not getting vitamin D.

We know through many, many years of research and science that a deficiency in vitamin D significantly affects not only the immune system, but almost every major system in your body. So it’s essential as an adult to make sure you’re getting at least 5,000 IUs every single day.

You can do as much as 10,000 IUs, 15,000 IUs, or 20,000 IUs if you’re working on fighting something off. But 5,000 is minimum. For children that should be at least 2000 IU. And we actually have a liquid supplement that we use for our kids.

The next one we want to look at is what’s called IM support. This is a new supplement we started using to specifically to support the immune system with things like healthy mushrooms, ashwagandha, elderberry and echinacea. These are all natural herbs, natural foods, that are shown to support the immune function within the body. So again, we’re strengthening your natural defenses. You should be taking two to four of the IM support every day to support healthy immune function.

Now, if you really want to take it up to the next notch take concentrated echinacea. Now, if you don’t know, echinacea is a root. And when you really study the effects of echinacea, it is the most powerful herbal immune booster in nature.

This liquid here is concentrated echinacea. It’s one of the best things you can do to improve your immune function. You usually want to do at least one tablespoon of this per day, as maintenance. When you’re trying to fight something off take it two to four times a day.

I’ve seen amazing changes happen with this. People who have shingles, illnesses, and other things, go away like that once we started using this.

Now none of these things are a treatment from any condition, especially not a treatment for COVID or anything else, but it’s helping your own immune system to fight off sickness and recover faster.

MegaCidin is something you spray in your throat. Many people don’t know that the nasal capacity and then the throat is actually where your immune system begins. You have viruses and bacteria and other immune things like your tonsils that stimulate the immune response based upon what you breathe in, what you take in and taste, and what’s going on around you.

The MegaCidin is a spray that you spray in your throat that actually improves the immunity of your nasal cavity and your throat by improving your microbiome and improving your immune response. You can take this with you everywhere that you go. A few sprays in the throat, it’s helping with your immune system.

If you have any questions about immune boosting nutrients, immune boosting support, and ways that we can help you stay healthy during this challenging time we are here as your natural health care doctor to help your body heal itself and strengthen your natural defenses.

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Rocklin, CA 95677