Toe Nail Fungus De-termination

The spores of a toe nail fungus can be found anywhere. They can be found in land, water and air. They can remain dormant until they receive the proper living conditions. Fungi need warm, moist dark environments to be able to flourish. Take any of these conditions away and they can’t thrive as well.
A toe nail fungus can start as simple as a white spot on a nail then develops into a yellow, green, brown or gray crusty nail which isn’t attached to the nail bed. A family doctor, chiropodist, podiatrist or an esthetician can recognize a toe nail infection. The doctor can take a sample of the nail and send it to a lab to get tested.
Toe nails don’t grow as quick as finger nails because the circulation isn’t as active in the feet. Diabetics peripheral circulation isn’t as active.
Some things you can do ,to speed up the circulation, are: Reflexology, massage, and exercising. Alternating hot and cold temperatures will increase circulation as well. Ingredients to speed up your circulation are arnica, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, turmeric and hot cayenne pepper. These things will help the antifungal product work better.
When someone has been on medication for over a year or two and still hasn’t seen any benefits of the medication. You have to start thinking that something else needs to be done.
If you have a toe nail fungus and wear the same pair of shoes all the time you could be re-infecting yourself. They have different products out there to sterilize shoes. I would recommend a UV-C light. Alternating shoes and keeping one pair open in the sun , can also be a way to sterilize your shoes. The sun is disinfecting and will help dry out the shoes and toe nails. When the weather is appropriate wear open toed shoes more often. Remember fungi like moist, dark environments. Take away the moist and dark and you are weakening it. Allowing the nails to breathe more, also helps with the healing process.
Shortwave radiation 200-290nm on the light spectrum (UV-C) is mild and has been documented to kill germs, including those that cause toenail fungus. Right now sterilizing businesses are being made from UV-C sterilizers to protect people from Covid19. Hospitals and Hotels are using large scale units to protect the public from germs. You can buy portable UV-C devices for personal use.
Take a break from wearing nail polish. People who constantly feel the need to have artificial nails or gel nails are more prone to nail infections on the hands. If you just have a bit of white on the nails this simple step will help get rid of the infection. Coating oil on the nail will give it a shine and protect moisture from getting inside as well. Recommended oils which are both antifungal and can suffocate the fungus are jojoba, sesame, or squalene oil. 400 IU of Vitamin E oil applied topically daily has been an old trick used for many years. Massage on nail and in between toes to prevent moisture from getting in .Vitamin E speeds up the circulation as well. Essential oils like oregano, thyme and peppermint also have antifungal properties.
Vitamin D3 “the sunshine vitamin” is one reason the sunlight is effective as well. It makes the immune system more effective .
Ask your physician to check your vitamin D levels in your blood. The higher the body weights the more vitamin D you need to get your serum levels within the recommended normal range. Vit D3 can help fight toenail fungus from the inside.
Vicks Vapor Rub contains several proven antifungal agents, camphor, eucalyptus oil and thymol. The thymol in Vicks works well with eugenol, an antifungal ,present in clove essential oil. Mix a few drops of clove essential oil with the Vicks before applying. Wrap in plastic wrap to ensure it won’t evaporate .Vitamin B complex is something to consider.
There have been studies of vitamin B12. The body can’t make as many red blood cells if this vitamin is in short supply.
The Health Science Journal stated that vitamin B12 is important when it comes to treating brittle nails that may break easily. They also say that the “Lack of this vitamin may cause toenail fungus and other similar infections as the nails are prone to these conditions.
Propolis extract (PE) has been proven to be effective in treating fungal infections. It is a substance collected by the honey bees as they travel on the barks of the trees.
Household cleaning products such as baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are capable of killing fungi as well. Unfortunately they are hard on the skin and I would use them as a last resort.
It is possible for untreated serious fungal infections to spread beyond your feet if you have a suppressed immune system due to medication, diabetes or other conditions.
I’ve listed some Botanical products, that don’t have the side effects of some of the anti-fungal drugs . Complications with antifungal drugs before they are completed can cause the fungi to become resistance to the antifungal drug.