Homemade Post-Workout Protein Shake

If you want a simple and easy Homemade Post-Workout Protein Shake then watch this video.

0.5 litter Milk
two Bananas
One Egg
Suger as your requirement.

Health Benefits of Milk:
Good For Bones,
Rich in Protein,
Reduces Risks of Obesity,
It Can Be Added to Many Ingredients,
Prevents Heartburns,
Fights Multiple Diseases,
Stress Buster,
Helps in Strong Teeth.

Health Benefits of Banana:
Bananas are respectable sources of vitamin C. …
Manganese in bananas is good for your skin. …
Potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure. …
Bananas can aid digestion and help beat gastrointestinal issues. …
Bananas give you energy – minus the fats and cholesterol​

Health Benefits of Egg:
Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high-quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white, which also includes vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12, and minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper.

Why Take Protein After a Workout?
Post-workout, too little protein can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue, rather than increased strength and stamina. Taking protein in the first 30 minutes or so after a workout can, however, help the body to begin quickly healing the micro-tears in the muscle, a process that makes muscles stronger over time. The amino acids in a protein shake tend to reach the bloodstream and then the muscles a lot faster than protein-bound in food, which is just one reason why protein shakes have become so popular with athletes and gym-goers.

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