WHAT I EAT IN A DAY WITH PCOS (full day of eating + what supplements I take)

Hi guys! In the intro (and throughout the whole vid) I talk a lot about PCOS, but the what I eat in a day part starts at 3:59. At the end I also share which supplements I take which I’ve listed below.

I eat this way most of the time to manage my PCOS symptoms that range from insulin resistance, acne, weight management, hair loss, low energy, and many other problems. I’m not perfect and have learned to eat intuitively — but I do feel my best when I follow this method of eating.

**Disclaimer ** I am in no way a medical professional and I’m not claiming to be one. I’m just giving you insight into what has worked for me. Please seek professional approval/guidance before implementing anything into your routine. We are all different and what might work for me might not be the case for everyone else.

1 scoop of chocolate protein powder (I use this one
1 scoop of collagen
1 tbsp of peanut butter (make sure the only ingredient is peanuts!)
1 cup of frozen spinach
1 tbsp of ground flax seeds
1 tbsp of chia seeds
1 handful of ice
Use unsweetened vanilla almond milk to blend
Sometimes I like to add walnut or pecan pieces on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon for some crunch & flavor 🙂

Myo-Inositol Powder from Amazon:

Cysterhood Herbal Tea:

Kelly LeVeque’s IG:
Kelly’s book “Body Love”:
Kelly’s 2nd book “Body Love Everyday” (slider recipe is in here!):
Kelly’s healthy trail mix recipe:

(I’m not including links for the regular supplements because I recommend doing research and asking a medical professional what brand and dosage would work best for you! I’ve listed out the types of supplements I take below.)

Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Women’s Multivitamin (this specific one is Eve by NOW Superfoods)

Thanks so much for watching! xx

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