Vitamins & Minerals | Components of Diet | Shree Khopkar

Vitamins and minerals are essential substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally. The known vitamins include A, C, D, E, and K, and the B vitamins.
Watch the video to know more.

This channel is launched with an intention to break myths about diet and body building people have. We have always heard of many such things that this is to be done for weight loss or body building.
In order to make our viewer aware about it, our host of the channel Mr. Shree Khopkar will be guiding you all through the channels medium about various myths people have about the discussed topic.

Shree Khopkar is a certified Clinical and Sports Nutritionist working since past 10 years in helping people achieve best results for body building or transformation.

Worked with the best brands of the city like Peoples Gym, El-Gymnasio, Parulekars Gym, Inch-by-inch, etc. and has been working personally and delivered best results to his clients.