Stronger Immune System Needed? I Take This Every Day!

People ask us regularly, with all of the supplements you carry, for so many different needs and people, what do you personally take every day? Let’s take a look at one of my favorites – this is one of my front-line products for the current “virus and flu season challenges” – Opti-BFF

– More Energy
– Better Circulation
– Warmer Hands and Feet
– Stronger Immune Function
– Healthier Heart
– Stronger Lungs
– Reduced Inflammation
– And . . . my personal story of reducing age spots!

As we look at health conditions and risk factors in the fall of 2020, we know that we’re going to be exposed to a lot of bacteria, viruses and other stuff that we don’t want setting up shop in our bodies!

The best course of action?

Maintaining a strong immune system, healthy digestion, and a healthy gut, and healthy emotions.
In the past, we’ve seen the #1 attack on people’s health being the drain on their immune system caused by poor eating and poor digestion. Today that is being compounded by huge levels of stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. All of this is compounded again by the “threat and stress” that is created from wearing face masks.

Cheryl covers that in another video:

Today’s video takes a look at one of our favorite products for supporting the health of your entire body because it supports increased blood and oxygen flow: Optimal B.F.F. by Optimal Health Systems.

B.F.F. stands for Blood-vessel Flexibility Formula. It dramatically increases the production of Nitric Oxide – which is essential for healthy blood vessel flexibility and blood flow (circulation).
The research on nitric oxide is so significant that the three researchers who discovered its role in the human body won a nobel peace prize for their work!

Nitric Oxide triggers a chemical reaction that tells your arteries to relax, which leads to increased oxygen and blood flow.

Chronic Low Levels of nitric oxide can manifest as:
– Poor circulation
– High blood pressure
– Brain fog
– Achy joints
– Cold hands and feet
– Coronary artery disease
– Pulmonary disease
– Nervous system issues
– Kidney damage
– Hypertension
– Stoke
– E.D.
and more.

Improving blood flow, by supporting the body’s production of nitric oxide, impacts every cell, tissue, organ, and system in our body. Increasing your nitric oxide levels is safe, simple and effective. It ensures better oxygen and nutrient delivery which means faster healing, repair and recovery from anything that attacks your health.

When you order Opti-BFF you also get free test strips so that you can test your own nitric oxide levels before you start taking the product and after!

For more information on Opti-BFF and to order, go to