Real TRUTH About COVID19 Vaccine ~ Christiane Northrup Interview ~ What They Don't Want You To Know!

This Interview Is From October 5, 2020… MAKE IT VIRAL! EVERYONE should watch this, even those who don’t believe it. You can’t get any more credible than this doctor!! WE THE PEOPLE should KNOW what they’re attempting to put in our bodies as well as the sick agenda being pushed.. and we have the right to make our own decisions for ourselves, babies, and families. Some will get it and stand up, some won’t and will be sheep led to slaughter. I have no control over that. AS LONG AS THEY HAD THE INFORMATION FIRST is all that matters. I’m doing my part to share, share, share this info to help even one person. Please network this video out! Some places in the US have already begun new mandatory vaccine policies that weren’t in effect before. It’s laying the foundation to get the people to comply. Brainwashing, manipulation, fake news. BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE and do your own research. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Allow your intuition to be your compass.
“The globalists that are running the planet are all sociopaths.”
“We don’t have time to argue .. about Democrat, Republican, politics.. no no no no … you go for freedom, liberty, health, community, strength.”

Please share this video with as many as you can, we need to take back our power.

Her about information and credentials listed on her site. This is the best video so far on the Covid-19 vaccine. She covers the RNA transfection – changing peoples DNA. CHIMER – introducing NON human DNA into the body. There is a Paton and work done at MIT. The Paton to make a dye its called Lucifer which under a light will be able to tell who has been vaccinated and who has not. The deal is to store your biometric information. Nano crystalline particles are little robots (antennas) injected into your body storing everything you do and who you interact with.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation created the Paton name 060606 on March 26, 2020 to take that biometric data give us a barcode and connect it to crypto currency. This makes all humans a commodity. 99.9% people are recovering from this Virus. There is another agenda. There is no detoxing from the Nano robots injected. They combine with your DNA and you are suddenly programable. With 5G installed you are completely programable the body would be an antenna where your body would be controlled outside yourself. That is worst case scenario but this is the agenda and obtainable.
Narrative being sold is things will not go back to normal until everyone in the world is vaccinated. 1920 The Flexner Report hijacked western medicine:

Some other interesting links looking into the darkness behind the agenda: