10 Signs Your Body Needs More Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble, antioxidant vitamin. It is important for the formation of collagen – a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron, and helps maintain capillaries, bones, and teeth.

Vitamin C is also known as, ascorbic acid, L-ascorbic acid, the antiscorbutic vitamin, L-xyloascorbic acid. This vitamin is considered a cure-all for many diseases and problems – from cancer to common cold.
Yet, the interesting fact is that this miracle vitamin cannot be manufactured by the body, and needs to be ingested.

Benefits of Vitamin C –

« Vitamin C serves a predominantly protective role in the body.

« Vitamin C is required in the synthesis of collagen in connective tissue, steroid hormones, conversion of cholesterol to bile acids.

« It is a great antioxidant and helps protect the body against pollutants.

« It assists in the prevention of blood clotting and bruising, and strengthening the walls of the capillaries.

« As vitamin C is a biological reducing agent, it also helps the prevention of degenerative diseases – such as cataracts, certain cancers, and cardiovascular diseases.

« Ascorbic acid promotes healthy cell development, proper calcium absorption, normal tissue growth, and repairs – such as healing of wounds and burns.

« Vitamin C is needed for healthy gums, to help protect against infection, helps reduce cholesterol level, high blood pressure, and prevents arteriosclerosis.

What does a deficiency of vitamin C lead to?