DNA Traits Explained Vitamin C Edition

What is Vitamin C? What foods are good sources of Vitamin C? And what does Vitamin C do for my health in the long-term and the short-term? In this video, we will cover the benefits, food sources, and deficiency symptoms of dietary Vitamin C.

0:05 – Introduction
0:21 – Health benefits of Vitamin C
0:53 – Vitamin C Deficiency
1:02- Vitamin C Requirements
1:14 – Vitamin C Sources

Video Transcript
Have you ever wondered why pirates always seem to be missing teeth? This is because for centuries, choosing a life on the sea meant choosing a lack of Vitamin C—as fresh fruits and vegetables were difficult to carry on long sea voyages. Fortunately, today we know the importance of Vitamin C, and it does a lot more than just take care of our teeth!

In the short term, Vitamin C helps you absorb iron, heal wounds, build blood vessels, and maintain healthy skin and bones. And in the long term, Vitamin C provides you with antioxidants that help your heart, immune system, eyes, and skin stay healthy and free from disease.

It’s an incredible essential vitamin that everyone needs a regular supply of because the human body can’t store Vitamin C. It can only use whatever amount of it you’ve taken in recently.

A Vitamin C deficiency won’t turn you into a pirate right away, but it can cause fatigue, depression, and connective tissue defects that slow down your body’s ability to heal.

And while the average adult should be consuming anywhere from 75 to 90 mg of Vitamin C a day, pregnant women, smokers, and those with certain genetic conditions may need more.

Fortunately, there are quite a few options for getting your Vitamin C. Broccoli, red bell peppers, kiwi, brussels sprouts, strawberries, oranges, watermelon, and potatoes are all great options for getting Vitamin C into your diet.

Want to find out how YOUR genetics affect your ability to absorb Vitamin C? Visit today for more information.


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