Nitric Oxide as prevention or treatment of COVID..?

Join Dr. Van Dyken as she explores the use of nitric oxide as a potential preventative agent and/or treatment for COVID-19.

Videos linked:
Nitric Oxide:
Nasal Breathing, Humming and Nitric Oxide:

Resources cited:


Today, we are here to discuss nitric oxide in the context of COVID-19.
Nitric oxide is a powerful molecule, and it is synthesized within the human body. It plays a critical role in many biological functions, and one of its most important roles is something called vasodilatation. Nitric oxide is believed to play a key role in the immune system – and in addition to this, some studies suggest that nitric oxide has antimicrobial activity. Interestingly, there is mounting evidence that indicates that inhaling nitric oxide could prevent and maybe even treat COVID-19 patients. Currently, there are 34 ongoing studies that are registered with clinical evaluating nitric oxide and COVID-19. Let’s review the evidence we have on this so far, and then let’s discuss the studies that are currently underway.
The first study is a small clinical trial done at Massachusetts General Hospital, where they administered nitric oxide therapy to six hospitalized, pregnant patients with COVID-19. Researchers found that the administration resulted in rapid and sustained improvement of heart and lung function and decreased inflammation.

The second study was conducted by a biotech company called KNOW Bio. They demonstrated Nitric oxide efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. More specifically, KNOW Bio reported that Nitric oxide can: inhibit coronavirus infection, inhibit coronavirus viral replication, and inhibit the release of reproduced virus.

Moving on, there is a poster presentation titled “nitric oxide is a powerful anti-coronavirus inhaled agent that acts within hours.” Basically, the beyond air company has developed a platform system called lung fit, which synthesizes up to 400 ppm nitric oxide from ambient air and delivers it to the human lung. They tested their system against human coronavirus infected cells -they delivered 150 to 250 ppm of nitric oxide for up to eight hours intermittently. They then assessed the results. They found that when they exposed to coronavirus infected cells to 150 ppm of nitric oxide, the coronavirus lost 50% of its infectivity after four hours of treatment, and complete inhibition of infectivity was achieved after eight hours of treatment! Honestly, these are incredible results! These researchers concluded that 150 to 250 ppm of gaseous nitric oxide shows anti-coronavirus properties when administered either prior to – or post infection. This research group is planning to initiate a clinical study in Israel testing the lung fit device in real people. They will be using it to treat patients with Covid who are hospitalized and have pneumonia, and the proposed protocol would be 150 ppm in health nitric oxide given intermittently for 40 minutes four times per day for up to seven days.

Because nitric oxide is showing such promise, once these studies are completed, inhaled nitric oxide will likely be approved for prevention and treatment for COVID-19. There is a study that was started in June 2020 called the COVINOX Study. This trial has 500 participants – and splits the patients into a placebo group and a group receiving inhaled nitric oxide. The study is funded by a company called Bellerophon, who manufactures a device called the INOpulse.

So all in all, nitric oxide appears to be very promising in the prevention and potentially the treatment of COVID-19. Know that you can actually make nitric oxide al on your own. you can actually coax your body into producing nitric acids levels at and even above the levels being used in the studies I mentioned. In my other videos on nitric oxide which are linked ,I discuss ways to increase nitric oxide naturally, for example by humming, nasal breathing, and by eating green leafy vegetables. Check out those videos for more details. There is one thing that I find very interesting. It’s interesting enough that we are making it it’s very own separate video. So basically – why do we even need a fancy device if we can raise nitric oxide levels on our own? Hmmmm… definitely food for thought.