Vitamin D and depression : How Vitamin D may affect your mood

Vitamin D and depression
It is a group of vitamins that are fat-soluble, and it is the only vitamin in the human body that is considered unique, and this is because the body can make it from cholesterol when exposed for a sufficient period of sunlight, and therefore it is sometimes called vitamin sunlight. It should be noted that vitamin D is not an essential dietary vitamin in the detailed sense. It is an organic chemical compound, and it is scientifically called a vitamin only when it is not available in sufficient quantity inside the body. Vitamin D has many health benefits for the body and when it is deficient, this leads to some unpleasant symptoms. Throughout this article, we will present to you the most important benefits of vitamin D, and its sources, while highlighting its importance for depression.
The most important benefits of vitamin D are to significantly maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis. It greatly helps the bones to absorb calcium, so it strengthens the bones and maintains their density. It strengthens the immune system in the body and thus prevents infection with some diseases. It protects against some cancerous tumors and chronic diseases. It protects against rickets, especially in children.
The main symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are fatigue and chronic fatigue throughout the body. Feeling of constant pain. Infection with some immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis. Heavy head perspiration. Thinning of the bones, an increase in muscle pain, a feeling of stiffness and cramps when waking up from sleep. Obesity and sudden weight gain; As the high concentration of fats in the body affects vitamin D in the blood, as it is one of the vitamins that are fat-soluble, and therefore, the more fat in the body, the less vitamin D is, so people who suffer from obesity need more amounts of vitamin D. Infection with some intestinal problems.
Sources of vitamin D fish of all kinds. whale liver oil. eggs. Caviar. Dairy products. Mushrooms. Breakfast Cereal. Fortified milk. Exposure to the sun for adequate periods, and the period between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon is the best period of exposure to the sun’s rays; As the sun is perpendicular to the earth.
Vitamin D and depression, as according to recent discoveries, depression is one of the most important symptoms that a person with a vitamin D deficiency suffers from, as vitamin D improves levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which greatly raises the morale in the human body, and therefore its deficiency leads to a decline Mood, motivation, fatigue, fatigue and sleep disturbances.