Joust Strength + Fitness – workout brief 11/10/2020

AMRAP 16 of:

5 KB Single arm swings (16/24kg)

5 KB Snatches (16/24kg)

5 KB Front Rack Squats (16/24kg)

Repeat on opposite arm then:

2-4-6-8-10…. of:
10m Shuttle runs after each round is complete
*Add 2 shuttle runs after each round of kettlebell complex is complete

10m down + back=1 shuttle run

*This workout is meant to be done outside, divide the parking lot into 3 sections of 10m shuttle run courses and have members set their bells up at the starting line for shuttle runs for quicker transitions. Enjoy the vitamin D!
Stimulus Goal:

Why Do This Workout?

We all need some kettlebell in our life!

Working with kettlebells and single arm movements are a great way to develop core strength and single arm stability and strength.

This kettlebell complex will test or proficiency moving a kettlebell as well as our stability under fatigue.

The added shuttle runs will add up and will test our lung capacity, making everything harder.
You will have more coordination, core strength, single arm stability and work capacity after doing this workout!

Volume and Feel: At least 6 rounds. The kettlebell complex will test you in the lungs and grip strength a bit, the rowing will definitely test your lung capacity. Try to go unbroken on the kettlebell complex and recover on the shuttle runs.

KB Weight: Pick a weight you could snatch for 8-10 repetitions on your non dominant arm while fresh. You should be able to go unbroken each time through the complex today, it won’t be easy but you could. Your weight will be dictated by your snatch/overhead strength.

Specific warm-up focus: KB complex overview and warm-up, snatch practice.

Scaling Options: Lighter weight on KB

At Home Options: Use a dumbbell for all 3 movements, doing a hang power snatch in place of a kettlebell snatch. Do 90 seconds of cardio of your choice after each time through the complex each arm