2020-11-07 Zumba in the Park | Zumba Fitness with ZIN Felix

2020-11-07 What an incredible summer-feel-like Autumn Outdoor #FLXinMotion Zumba with #ZINFelix. Not only did we all burn calories while having loads of fun, we also enjoyed an amazing good rays of natural Vitamin D in the park with 19C temperature. And the energy and vibes today were both extra ordinary both from our outdoor and virtual settings. My #ZumbaFam truly rocks! Thank you for enjoying our hot playlist and my newest Merengue track!
#ZumbaOutdoor #ZumbaNation #ZumbaCommunity #ZumbaWorld #ZumbaCanada #IAmZIN #ZumbaFelix #ZumbaLove #Zumba2020
#FLXinMotion #MoveSweatSmile #ZumbaWear #ZumbaSquad #PrivateZumba #Zumbaholics #ZINFelix #ZumbaVirtual