The Seasonal Basket – in November, I Add Color To My Plate!

The Seasonal Basket – in November, I Add Color To My Plate!

The month of November is full of fruits and vegetables in shimmering colors that will perfectly brighten up any festive menu and add energy to your dishes.

It is not uncommon to feel a little slack when autumn arrives. Fatigue, procrastination, reduced exposure to natural light is responsible for this temporary depression.

To fight against this natural phenomenon, nothing could be more effective than adding color to your plate by choosing organic, local, and seasonal products. And that’s good; the month of November spoils us with fruits and vegetables in energizing colors.
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Queen of root vegetables, carrots have a reputation for making people lovable. Maybe because it’s bright orange color can only inspire vitality? Or because it has a high content of vitamin C which boosts the immune system? One thing is certain; the carrot gives a good glow because of its richness in pro-vitamin A, the famous beta-carotene. There are more reasons to eat it cooked or raw without moderation.

Raw or boiled, celery is the ally of pregnant women because of its richness in vitamin K. It is also an excellent antioxidant due to its content of apigenin, which is known to fight cancer cells.

Pumpkin belongs to the cucurbita maxima family, in other words, squash. It is frequently confused with the pumpkin, star of the big screen since Cinderella and star of Halloween, but yet unfit for consumption. The pumpkin, on the other hand, has multiple strings to its bow. Rich in vitamin A, it has benefits for the skin, but also for the whole organism thanks to its antioxidant properties. Its mild taste goes well with both savory and sweet preparations. Soups, purees, or pies, anything goes! Note that the whole pumpkin can be stored for several months in a cool, dry place.

With its orange color and small size, mandarin represents energy par excellence. Rich in vitamin C, it stimulates the immune system to help it fight against winter infections. But it also has depurative properties that rid the body’s bad cholesterol and heavy metal residues such as lead or mercury.

Nibble without feeling guilty! Essentially composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids, this oilseed has recognized benefits in the fight against cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. The walnut brings a crunchy and original touch to all sweet and savory preparations.

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