Kiwi fruit originates from mainland China north, cultivated since the 20th century in New Zealand. The shape resembles a chicken egg with the skin tends to be dull grayish-brown with green flesh. This fruit has high nutritional content such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, amino acids, folate, and calcium and is a good fiber source.

With so many nutrients, it’s no wonder that kiwi’s benefits for your health are also abundant. Here are 7 health benefits of kiwi fruit that we have reviewed through various sources.

One of the first benefits of kiwi fruit is that it helps treat asthma. This mini fruit with slightly hairy skin contains high vitamin C and antioxidants.

A study conducted in 2000 revealed that those who are diligent in consuming fresh fruit regularly, including kiwi, can positively impact lung function.

If you often have trouble sleeping, you should start to consume more kiwi fruit every morning and at night, before going to bed. Kiwi fruit juice can be an alternative to natural sleeping pills, which is certainly safer without side effects.

According to Taipei Medical University, the content of antioxidant compounds and serotonin in kiwi fruit is useful for calming stressed minds to make it easier for a person to fall asleep.

Eating kiwi fruit will make your diet program more effective. Diet with kiwi fruit is believed to reduce the body to stay ideal and prevent obesity. This is because kiwi fruit is rich in fiber, which can smooth the digestive system.

To lose weight, you can eat kiwi fruit directly with the skin. The most important thing is that you wash it clean first. Besides being consumed directly, you can also process it into juice, fruit salad, or infused water.

Eating kiwi fruit regularly is also believed to increase the body’s immune system. one cup of kiwi meets 273 percent of daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C intake is vital to build the body’s defense system, so you don’t get sick easily.

The high content of antioxidants in kiwifruit makes this fruit highly recommended for regular consumption because it can reduce heart disease risk. Kiwi fruit can keep electrolytes in balance by counteracting sodium effects because kiwis are high in potassium.

The kiwi fruit is known as one of the fruits that function as the most effective natural blood thinner because kiwi fruit can reduce blood clots.

Diabetes is a condition in which the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels is lost. For this reason, diabetics must adjust their diet because otherwise, the sugar levels in the body will increase drastically. Unstable sugar levels can endanger health.

In the medical world, there are several types of diabetes. However, the most common case in society is type 2 diabetes, which this type of diabetes can actually be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

One healthy lifestyle is to eat lots of vegetables and fruits. One of the fruits recommended for diabetics is kiwi fruit. This is because kiwi fruit is included in the category of fruit with a low glycemic index, so it is safe for consumption and will not quickly raise your blood sugar.

You could say kiwi is one of the most alkaline fruits compared to other types of fruit. That means kiwi fruit has a rich supply of minerals to replace excess acidic foods.

Some of the benefits of the right acid or alkaline balanced body are the skin will look younger, sleep tends to be better, physical energy is abundant, and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.