Impact of the Corona Virus on People's Lives

Assalamu’alikum, hello everyone my name is M. Yamin from class B of Informatics Engineering 2020, University of Nusa Putra. Here I will try to explain the impact of the corona virus on people’s lives. as a condition for me to do the assignment that has been given by Lecturer Mr. Jasmansyah…

Corona Virus or Severe Acute Repiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system in humans. This virus is commonly referred to as Covid-19. Corona Virus can cause minor disturbances to the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and cause death.

This virus was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. Corona virus can affect anyone, such as the elderly, adults, children and babies, including pregnant and lactating women.

Early signs of a Corona virus infection can resemble flu, namely fever, runny nose, dry cough, sore throat, and headache. If the body’s defense system is strong, the virus will disappear on its own. For those with a weak immune system, it can cause coughing up blood, shortness of breath, and chest pain and even death.

According to data sources presented by Wikipedia as of November 30, 2020, the number of confirmed cases globally is 45 million cases, with details of 30.3 million recovered, 1.18 million died and the rest are still positive for Covid-19. Meanwhile, from the same source, there were four hundred and four thousand Covid-19 cases in Indonesia, with details of three hundred and thirty thousand recovered, more thirteen thousand seven hundred died and the rest were still confirmed positive for Covid-19.

So what is the impact of Covid-19 on people’s lives, especially in Indonesia?

1. The increasing number of unemployed in Indonesia
According to data from the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN), the number of unemployed people in Indonesia has increased by three point seven million people.

2. Indonesia’s Economy Goes into Recession
Covid-19 forced ninety-two percent of countries in the world to experience a recession, including Indonesia, in the 3rd quarter of 2020, Indonesia experienced a recession with a contraction in growth of minus two point nine percent to minus 1 percent.

3. The decline in the quality of education in Indonesia
According to the 2018 PISA data released by the OECD, education in Indonesia is ranked 71st out of 78 countries. That was before the pandemic broke out in the world. So how are you with education in Indonesia after the government requires School from Home?

4. The Composite Stock Price Index (ISHG) has decreased
Among businessmen who also suffered heavy losses, the company’s share price has dropped significantly due to this Covid-19.

5. Limited activities to meet in person
The Covid-19 pandemic forces all people in the world to remain in their homes so that outdoor activities, especially those with large crowds, are limited or even prohibited. Companies, offices, teaching and learning activities and so on must be done virtually from home.

6. Increased mortality rate drastically
The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many lives from various circles both in Indonesia and in the world. In Indonesia alone, 13 thousand victims have died while in the world 1.2 million people have died due to this Covid.

So how do we avoid Covid-19, first of all we must always maintain our health by using masks when leaving the room, getting used to washing hands with a hand sanitizer, not having direct contact with people who are positive for Covid-19, and always keeping a distance.

I personally invite everyone to care about these things as our joint steps to reduce the number of positive Covid-19 patients in Indonesia. We all pray that Covid-19 will disappear from Indonesia soon. Always stay healthy everyone
