In such a time as this where we are forced to think hard about our mortality due to this pandemic #covid19: we cannot sit by & hope it will pass. We must take a proactive stance to protect ourselves & those we love.
One of the most promising treatments that is emerging is the use of Vitamin C. Vitamin C aka Ascorbic acid is a water soluble antioxidant not synthesized by the body. Therefore we get it from food & supplementations such as pills & injections.
Vit C is excellent for decreasing lung infections as it is needed for tissue repair & plays an important role in cellular integrity. It plays a role in collagen formation & with neurotransmitters. Vit C has been studied in cancer & heart disease prevention.
Vit C works by activitating leukocytes which signals the body to fight infections, it boosts the activity of phagocytes which “eat up” bad bacteria & particles in the body.
Studies emerging are showing a shorter ventilator time for those treated with IV Vit C. Studies show those with illnesses such as lung infections have decreased Vit C. 👉THEREFORE THEY NEED VITAMIN C!!!!
We are not promoting Vit C as a stand alone cure but it has shown MAJOR improvement in combination with hydroxychloroquines, chloroquines, azithromycin & zinc . Stay tuned for our series on Vit C & watch as I demo how you can self administer via injection to yourself & loved ones
as this route of administratiom gets into the bloodstream more readily