3 Ways To Boost Immunity | Lifestyle, Diet, Supplements

Join Organifi’s COO, Mae Steigler, for 3 ways to support the immune system in order to stay as healthy as possible in times of stress and cold + flu season!

-Lifestyle habits
-2 nutrients to support both the innate and adaptive immune systems

How can fitness, sleep, and stress impact the immune system? Stress can directly suppress the immune system! Breathing exercises, walking or even yoga can help lower cortisol levels. By getting our blood flowing we support the delivery of nutrients to the body!

Even our diet can have a negative or positive effect on the immune system! By eliminating high-inflammatory foods like alcohol, processed sugar, gluten, and dairy

Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables like strawberries, guava, broccoli, and cauliflower can contribute directly to immune health!

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an active role in supporting the immune system by activating T-cells in the body! Beans and nuts are a great way to get more Zinc in your diet!

What are some of your favorite ways to support a strong immune system? Comment below! #organifi

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