Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Vaccines and Immunity

As COVID-19 spreads globally, populations who survive their illness will become immune. Mayo Vaccine Research Group Director Gregory Poland, MD discusses antibody responses, the duration of immunity, herd immunity, vaccine candidates, and the prospects for using convalescent serum to passively immunize unexposed high-risk people. Streamed March 24, 2020. #JAMALive #Coronavirus #COVID19 #SARSCoV2

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Topics discussed in this interview:
0:18 Background on Dr Greg Poland
1:19 Why will it take so long to develop a vaccine?
4:27 For people infected with COVID-19, what do we know about their immunologic response?
6:09 Has science advanced enough so that we’ll know what their immunologic response looks like?
7:06 Will it be safe to bring people back to college campuses? Or to have large meetings again?
9:12 Can you see a future that would involve forms of passive immunization or convalescent serum?
11:11 This is an RNA virus. Does that affect vaccine development?
13:01 Do you think that it will be like influenza (which usually wanes in the spring and summer) in that we will see more cases in the fall?
15:48 Can individuals get reinfected?
17:21 Should children still receive their immunizations?
20:00 What about adults and immunizations? Would you change the recommendations for adults over the next 3-6 months?
21:34 Do you have a sense of what the next few months are going to look like?
22:48 How prepared are we at this moment?
26:00 NIH budget and investment in science

Editors’ Note: Overwhelming scientific evidence supports the benefits of vaccines over their harms and risks when used at a population level to prevent disease. See for a discussion. Comments that communicate misinformation about the benefit:risk balance of vaccination will be deleted during and after this livestream.

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