7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally 💪

Want to know some easy, effective ways to boost your immune system? It is ALWAYS important, but never as much on the front burner of health as it is right now! And, yes, our hormones play a big role in our immune system too.

I have long been intrigued in everything about health, but especially our immune system since it is the difference in a person’s health status is huge if their immune system is good, excellent or poor.

So, what IS our immune system?
• It is our body’s defense against infection & illness
• It helps us recover after injury
• It recognizes your own cells and gets rid of anything unfamiliar
• It destroys germs (viruses and bacteria)

What happens if our immune system is not working well?
• Immune system disorders cause abnormally low activity or over activity.
• Autoimmune diseases are common now and makes those with them much more vulnerable to getting ill from viruses and bacteria’s. Examples include: Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Inflammatory bowel diseases (crohns, ulcerative colitis), MS, type 1 diabetes, Graves, Hashimotos are just a few

Fun Fact
• Did you know that fever and inflammation are good signs that your immune system is doing it’s job? They are! It is like a battle field when the troops all gather to fight the enemy (the virus or bacteria)

What can we do to boost our immune system?

1. Sleep is KING! WE must sleep enough to have a well-functioning Immune System. And that is NOT 5 hours a night – it is 7-9 hours.

2. Chronic stress causes our stress hormone, Cortisol (yup, there it is yet again!) to be too high and/or too low – this significantly lowers our immune system ability to function. The good news here is that our signature 30 Day Hormone Reset has a component to effectively manage our cortisol which is a tough hormone to get balanced. This is a big deal! More at

3. Foods to choose to boost your immune system more often include: red bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, yogurt, almonds, turmeric, shellfish, wild salmon – all help support a healthy immune system

My favorite supplements for immune system support are:

4. Liposomal Vitamin C
5. Vitamin D3 with K2
6. Zinc
7. Others: Vitamin B6, Vitamin E and other antioxidants such as quercetin

Good news – these foods, tips and supplements are effective and easy to incorporate! Consistency is key.

As always, please be your own best health advocate. We want you to be in the drivers seat of your health, your hormones and your happiness! Do join us at Crack the Menopause Code Can’t wait to see you inside the group for good tips, support from us and all of you!

There are many other suggestions but as always, we want the solutions to be easy, doable and affordable. Try some! Knowledge IS power 💥

Be healthy. Be happy.

Don’t despair! There are some solutions that you can try, now at home. Lifestyle shifts and supplements may help you feel more like you again (So can my ebooks on Hormone Imbalance and Love Hormones so please do download them at

Our signature 30 day Hormone Reset program does work! It uses super food nutrition in a certain way to alkalize your body, to balance cortisol, and it absolutely helps with this unwanted fat! It is a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Please take a look to learn more here: and feel free to reach out to ask me questions.

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This video is intended for information purposes only. It must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by your physician or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care professional regarding your specific medical conditions and questions. The information contained in this video is generalized and it may not be applicable in every situation. No client relationship is established as a result of watching this video