Covid prevent foods

Here’s what you need to know about fighting off COVID-19: Nothing but your immune system can beat this disease. And to have a stronger immune response to the invaders (virus particles that enter your lungs, blood cells, and organs and wreak havoc and cause inflammation) you need to eat a diet high in plant-based foods. Doctors have begun recommending to patients that they switch to a mostly plant-based diet, especially those in the highest risk groups: Overweight, diabetic, over 60, and male. One doctor urges his patients to eat mostly fruit and vegetables and stay away from inflammation-causing meat, dairy, and processed food, in light of COVID-19.

Talking to doctors and nutritionists about COVID-19 and how to best have the healthiest outcome, that allows you to suffer the least symptoms or side effects: Your immune system’s response is the only thing that can fight the disease. All other therapies (such as those that President Trump is getting) are in support of your immune system. If your system is weak or overtaxed with other existing conditions, including obesity or diabetes, it can over-react, creating the “cytokine storm” of inflammation that leads to a cascade of complications that make it harder for your body to self-regulate as it attempts to create antibodies to the virus (essentially molecules that recognize the virus invaders and deploy through the bloodstream to neutralize them)

Read More: The 13 Best Foods to Boost Your Immune System, Fight Off COVID-19 |