Do you want to improve your overall health? Do you want to boost your immunity? Select during these crazy times! Coronavirus pandemic.
Well you are in the right place as I’m here to help you!
Our immune system stays in our gut, believe it or not, and it’s controlled by microbes, bacteria and yeast that live inside of your gut.
We are more bacteria than humans! We are a host of trillions of microbes who controls our health, mood, and our ability to protect our body from invaders like coronavirus!
You know the times when you can’t poop or have too much diarrhea or you stomach looks like you have triplets? It’s your body talking to you! Saying hey! Your gut health is not balanced! Danger!!! Help!
It is not normal to feel constipated, have contrast stomach pain, diarrhea or bloating. These are warming signs! And if you don’t address it, you’ll get more problems later like IBS, Crohn’s disease, colon cancer, etc
That’s why it’s so important to listen to your stomach and take actions! Your microbes that live inside of your gut are working really hard to break down the food you eat, and make nutrients for your body! The chaos in your gut or dysbiosis can spread to other organs that leads to different cancers. So what’s the solution you ask? Getting the right probiotics in your body. Not just the pills which are usually dormant or dead by the time they reach your gut, but REAl probiotics. What are these live probiotics bacteria that we need to eat daily to protect our health and our immune system.
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Fermented foods like sauerkraut , pickles etc
For your homework:
Tell me how’s your bowel movement?
Write in the comment section below.

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