Your COVID-19 Questions Answered – Open Forum October 30th 2020

Your COVID-19 Questions Answered – Open Forum October 30th 2020

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Twitter thread with questions

What drugs can cause blood-brain-barrier integrity issues making ivermectin dangerous?
Alcohol and psychostimulant drugs can increase the blood brain barrier permeability allowing peripheral molecules to enter the brain.

Physical exercise in theory can help improve the integrity of the blood-brain-barrier

Bromhexine may increase sars-cov-2 fusion instead of decreasing it. Camostat and Ambroxol maybe better choices.

Effect of Ranitidine
DrBeen video

Can BCG Vaccine help?

BCG Vaccine has so far not shown good results

A study shows that the BCG vaccine can enhance immune memory and function

Structural basis for potent neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 and role of antibody affinity maturation.
CV30 antibody extracted from a patient is a potent neutralizing antibody

Methylene blue can precipitate serious serotonin toxicity
It can also cause hemolytic anemia

How does interferon gamma work?

Various forms of zinc preparation

Can Zinc Gluconate be taken to obtain elemental zinc? Yes

Sulfated polysaccharides

Carrageenan is a sulfated polysaccharide

SARS-CoV-2 detection using isothermal amplification and a rapid, inexpensive protocol for sample inactivation and purification

Head-to-head comparison of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detecting rapid test with self-collected anterior nasal swab versus professional-collected nasopharyngeal swab

It seems as Neuropilins are needed for SARS-COV-2 entry into the cells in addition to the SARS-COV-2

Take magnesium with vitamin D, but don’t take too much

Melatonin can raise blood pressure in people taking anti-hypertensive drugs

Melatonin competes with calcium channel blockers and reduce their effect. Resulting in raised blood pressure.

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