Five drinks to boost your immune system // Immunity booster // Wellness drinks // Wellness Tea

A short video of five simple drinks to help strengthen your immune system. They are made from easily sourced fruits and tea. These drinks / Tea contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants which prepares your body in case of bugs or infections like flu and others.
Some of the ingredients are lemon, orange, ginger, mint leave, original honey etc.

lemon has lots of benefits such as
* contains lots of Vitamin C (immune booster)
* Acts as antioxidants
*Helps with blood pressure control
*Can help with weight management

Ginger Benefits
*Blood sugar control
*Strengthen immune system
*Anti-inflammatory ( Reduces swelling)
*Good for oral hygiene as it fights some oral bacteria
NB: Take care not consume lots of ginger if you are taking blood thinning medications or if you have surgery coming up.
Recommended ginger use is not more than 3-4 grams daily.

Orange has lots of Vitamins, helps with digestion, promotes Wound healingMi
nt leave with gas bloating, helps digestion.

Natural honey is a good antioxidant, helps wound healing, helps with cholesterol control.
Note: Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Tips included in the the video .