Mental Health Battles? Supplements For Anxiety, Stress and Depression You Need!

Mental Health Battles? Supplements For Anxiety, Stress and Depression You Need!
Anxiety is the product of the body’s natural response to stress. Often anxiety (if left untreated treated) or an anxiety disorder can trigger depression. Some people can even feel anxious and depressed at the same time, this can be quite draining, tiring, and debilitating.

For years, many different studies have been done regarding depression and mental health awareness. Some more recent studies have shown the intricate yet simple connection the gut has to the brain. The gut (being the largest internal organ) contains billions of microbiota ( also known as gut flora ), these all include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The gut bacteria synthesize Vitamin B and Vitamin K as well as metabolizes bile acids, sterols, and xenobiotics.
The gut connects to our brain trough neurotransmitters, hormones, central nervous system, neuroendocrine system, neuroimmune system, automatic nervous system, enteric nervous system and the vagus nerve ( all vital for life ). The gut also contains millions of ” brain cells “, therefore it can (in a way) ” think for itself “. It contains millions of neurons, in actual fact more neurons are located in the gut than our spinal cord.

Unfortunately, due to most of our lifestyles, antibiotics, pesticides, processed foods and our crops being grown in nutrient depleted soils. Our bodies, and more so our gut are not getting the sufficient amount of essential vitamins and nutrients to allow for good healthy microbiota in the gut and in turn increase the amounts of ” bad ” or unhealthy microbiota. This can have detrimental” complications ” as the gut will not have the ability to adequately absorb and ” transport ” the essential vitamins and nutrients our bodies need to function optimally.

Depression is not just a mental illness” exclusively “. Depression is also a symptom of underlying conditions, such as disturbances in the manufacturing of Cortisol ( our stress hormone ), brain dysfunction, imbalanced or compromised immune systems and very importantly the nervous system functioning. These microbiota brain-messages may create many conditions associated to depression. imbalances of microbiota can negatively affect the levels of serotonin in the brain as well as decrease the levels of GABA ( the chemical messengers in the brain ), which are strongly associated with depression and anxiety. So, this all boils down to the gut. If the gut is not healthy, your brain will not be healthy either.

In order for our bodies to function optimally (and healthy) we do require additional input of vitamins, minerals, amino and fatty acids. The following are some of the ones that are related to Anxiety, Stress and Depression.

Omega 3,6 & 9
Vitamin B
Amino Acids
Vitamin D
And Lithium

The importance of all essential Vitamins, Minerals, Amino and fatty acids are so imperative for all of us. Not just in the case of anxiety, stress, or depression but for the function of our entire body. After all, every single bit of our body is in some way connected and if one thing is not “working” properly then it will have a ripple effect to the rest of our body. No brainer – right? Understanding these things will allow us to make better choices. In what we eat or drink and avoiding the” bad stuff”. Adding in all the essential Vitamins, Minerals, Amino and Fatty acids we do not get from our food should be a priority for every single person. Follow the link below in the description below and get your NON GMO vitamins, minerals and nutrients today.

*Want to add a Natural, High Quality Multi Vitamin to your diet ? Look no Further – Click on the link below*
Elite Nutrients –

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