15 Reasons & Benefits You Should Be Drinking Carrot Juice Every Day

Though it doesn’t sound like the most appealing drink in the world, being essentially a cup of vegetables, carrot juice is surprisingly refreshing, especially when it’s served super cold.
It’s also incredibly healthy, which is why so many people make it a daily habit to drink it. Being low in sugar and packed with vitamin C, carrot juice has lots of superfood goodness and tastes a bit sweeter than its green juice counterparts.
If you need a little more convincing before you’re ready to commit to drinking carrot juice on a regular basis, stay tuned for some of the biggest carrot juice benefits.
1. Rev up your metabolism
Carrot juice can really get your metabolism running, especially when you swap it for the likes of orange juice or soda. Since it’s packed full of fibre, which makes it pretty filling, it can be helpful for those looking to sip on something sweet while maintaining a healthy weight. Drinking a glass of carrot juice for breakfast in the morning should keep you full right through to lunch time, and you’ll be less tempted to reach for the unhealthy snacks.
2. See more clearly
Okay, the rumors are true: carrot juice helps improve eyesight. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A that’s a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin A helps strengthen the surface of the eye, which promotes healthy vision. Carrots also have lutein, an antioxidant that shields the eye from harmful light and has a number of eye-boosting benefits.
3. Reduce cancer risk
Cancer develops when abnormal cells emerge and multiply. Thankfully, carrots are rich in antioxidants that can help prevent this cell damage before it begins. Recent research suggests that munching on fruits and non-starchy vegetables like carrots may decrease the risk of developing mouth, esophagus, lung, stomach, and other cancers.
4. Have a healthy pregnancy
Carrot juice contains calcium, folate, and magnesium and is rich in potassium and vitamin A — all things a growing baby wants. Calcium helps the unborn baby build strong bones and cartilage. According to scientific research, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding need at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day.
5. Fire up your immune system
Vitamin C and antioxidant-rich carrots help strengthen your immune system so your body can fight infections, like the common cold and flu. An 8-ounce cup a day might give your immune system a boost to help keep the doctor away. One of these antioxidants is beta-carotene. Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, which signals your body to create more white blood cells which help to fight off infection.
6. Support a healthy heart
Chock-full of potassium, carrot juice is a go-to beverage for a healthy heart. They also contain very high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects against artery-clogging bad cholesterol. If you’re looking to lower your blood pressure without medication, you may want to consider adding some of this orange goodness to your diet.
7. Improve skin conditions
Carrots contain vitamin C, which has healing properties. It helps skin recover faster from external wounds and trauma. Beta-carotene in carrots also reduces skin inflammation, which speeds the healing process. Carrots may also help improve skin conditions like rashes and psoriasis.
8. Boost your brain
Brain feeling foggy? Carrot juice is here for you. Research suggests the beta carotene in carrot juice may boost brain function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
9. Encourages Healthy Hair
Carrot juice is thought to be effective in combating hair loss, as carrots offer vital vitamins that hair needs to grow strong and healthy. These vitamins contribute to making hair thicker, shinier, longer and stronger. Drinking carrot juice regularly can make your hair healthier.
Drinking approximately 3 to 4 ounces of carrot juice everyday can stimulate hair growth. Vitamin C and E in carrots can improve blood circulation in your scalp, which has been linked to the prevention of premature hair greying.