Your COVID-19 Questions Answered (Open Forum Oct 23rd 2020)

Your COVID-19 Questions Answered (Open Forum Oct 23rd 2020)

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Can infections by other viruses offer protection against SARS-COV-2?
Other coronavirus infections can. Other viruses from other types may not be able to.

Some examples of virus types

Can RT-PCR tests be massively false?
It seems not plausible, however, we will research more and report on it.

Effect of coadministration of IFN-gamma and vitamin D3

Vitamin D levels are necessary for the IFN-gamma activated pathway for the immunity

SARS-COV-2 hijacks the mitochondria.

Warburg effect

DrBeen’s video about melatonin

Vitamin D and Covid-19 Susceptibility and Severity: a Mendelian Randomization Study

What Is A Mendelian Randomized (MR) Study?

Should lockdowns end?

Can Vitamin C be helpful against COVID-19?

Can N-AcetylyCysteine be useful for COVID-19 prophylaxis?
DrBeen Video

Difference between REGN-COV and Aviptadil
DrBeen Aviptadil video

Regeneron’s antibody cocktail

#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID-19