Dusty Hanshaw | Roadtrip Instagram Q&A Live

Dusty Hanshaw, on the road at a Temecula, CA Wine Country Air BnB, makes his breakfast and films his Instagram Q&A before starting his day. Today’s questions:
1. Advice for escaping a toxic environment?
2. Should I use Coenzyme 10 and L-Tyrosine?
3. Left wrist hurts, any rehab exercises to recommend?
4. Best way to gain size on your shoulders?
5. Long preps or short preps?
6. Can you take us through your daily health vitamin supplements?
7. What’s the best way to deal with all the bodybuilding laundry?
8. Craziest set or thing you’ve done in a gym?
9. 3 people you want to train with once COVID allows?
10. Do you have red meat off-season and pre-contest?
11. Thoughts on the vertical diet?
12. Ever use BFR Bands for training?
13. Why did you stop training early at 4am? Why did you start training early?
14. What do you prescribe for diet and training post show rebound for the first 4 weeks?
15. My diet falls apart at end of week… How can I fix this?
16. Aside from dead lifting, how do you go about building hamstrings?
17. What sort of investments do you consider lucrative enough for your interests?