Top U.S Surgeon on Vitamin D and general health.

Dr L. Ray Matthews a former trauma surgeon discusses the impact of #vitaminD in the fight against COVID

Research has shown that vitamin D supplentation helps respiratory tract infections.
African Americans are deficient in the vitamin and will bear the brunt of Coronavirus fatalities.
Especially those living above 37th parallel (the Vitamin D line) e.g. ST Louis ,Chicago New York MUST supplement in winter. Doctors recommend 5,000 units daily for melanin dominant individuals.

African-Americans have a population mean serum 25(OH)D level of 16 ng/mL, whereas white Americans have a level of 26 ng/mL. Africans on the continent is 40 ng/mL.

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the dispropoinate number of Black people with

Autism especially in males
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Diabetes type 1 and type 2
Heart Disease
gum disease

Researcher Michael Holick thinks that if the public increased vitamin D levels to 50 ng/dL, we’d see:

– All cancers down 75%
– Breast cancer down 50%
– Male heart attacks down 50%
– Type 2 diabetes down 50%
– Type 1 diabetes down 80%

Common myths debunked about Vitamin D

You CANNOT get enough Vitamin D from multivitamins
You CANNOT get enough Vitamin D even from D fortified foods e.g. milk, orange juice
You CANNOT get enough Vitamin D from sitting by a window in your car or house, DIRECT sunlight is necessary
You CANNOT get enough Vitamin D in winter if you live north of Atlanta or the 37th parallel in winter, even if you sunbathe.

Vitamin D in African Americans

#vitaminD #BLM #ColorofCovid #ados #coronavirus #health