Vitamin foods in tamil | Disease caused by deficiency of vitamins | Health Tips Tamil TV

Vitamin foods in tamil | Disease caused by deficiency of vitamins | Health Tips Tamil TV

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Vitamin Deficiency Diseases

Vitamin is a micronutrient that is not prepared by the body in sufficient amounts. This is the reason why it is necessary to take in from outside sources for the normal functioning of the body. Inadequate intake of vitamins results in vitamin deficiency diseases.

Following is the list of some of the vitamins and the deficiency diseases caused by them:

Vitamin A

It is an important micronutrient that is obtained from different food sources such as carrots, spinach, milk, egg, liver and fish. It is required for normal vision, reproduction, growth and healthy immune system of an individual.
Most of the children below five years of age suffer from xerophthalmia, a serious eye disorder, in which the child is at risk of becoming blind. Vitamin A deficiency in a pregnant woman can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B can be of different types, such as Vitamin B1, B2, and B12 etc. The deficiency diseases depend on the type of Vitamin B that a person is lacking.
Vitamin B1: Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes beriberi that result in weak muscles and severe weight loss. Acute deficiency can lead to paralysis and cardiac failure.
Vitamin B6: Lack of vitamin B6 causes deficiency diseases such as anaemia and certain skin disorders such as cracks around the mouth. It can also lead to depression and nervous breakdowns.
Vitamin B12: Lack of vitamin B12 causes pernicious anaemia. Other diseases related to B12 deficiency are muscle and nerve paralysis, extreme fatigue, dementia and depression.

Vitamin C

Deficiency of vitamin C can cause scurvy, a disease that is characterised by bleeding gums, skin spots and swelling in joints. It also affects the immune system and can even be fatal in acute conditions.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, which leads to weakening of bones, especially near the joints. It can also lead to the decaying of teeth.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is an important blood coagulating nutrient. Its deficiency is common in infants and leads to excessive bleeding due to the inability to form blood clots.

Nutrient Food sources
Calcium_ Nonfat and low-fat dairy, dairy substitutes, broccoli, dark, leafy greens, and sardines
Potassium_ Bananas, cantaloupe, raisins, nuts, fish, and spinach and other dark greens
Fiber_ Legumes (dried beans and peas), whole-grain foods and brans, seeds, apples, strawberries, carrots, raspberries, and colorful fruit and vegetables
Magnesium_ Spinach, black beans, peas, and almonds
Vitamin A_Eggs, milk, carrots, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe
Vitamin C_ Oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, broccoli, and red and green bell peppers
Vitamin E_ Avocados, nuts, seeds, whole-grain foods, and spinach and other dark leafy greens

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