Dr. Shiva, simple and scientific Immune system & coronavirus

Time for Truth on Coronavirus
I did a tweet, three days ago sharing my concerns about the corona virus. In particular what I shared was the president had essentially said, that the news media was over hyping this thing and I basically followed with that and I said look, as a MIT PhD in biological engineering, a person who spent most of my scientific career really focused on health and really understand trying to understand systems.
You may know I have four degrees from MIT Mike peach PhD, is the field of biological engineering which is a new department, MIT started in 2003; plus I have three others degrees in engineering; in electrical engineering, in mechanical engineering and design.
But beyond that I have always had a deep interest health, having grown up, some of you know in India in a small farm. My grandmother practiced traditional systems of medicine. To the Western world that may seem a little bit weird but there has been other systems of medicine long before Western medicine that were based on looking at the body as a whole system.
Anyway, I was very motivated as a young kid to understand systems that led my parents came here in 1970, to the United States, my deep interest in medicine. I was working as a full-time research fellow at Rutgers Medical School doing research on SIDS with computing where I created the first email system, and that is a whole another story; but the realities I have had a deep interest to understand the body of the system. The body is a system meaning how the anklebone is connected to the foot so that is some background.
I tweeted out that based on my understanding is someone who literally spends probably every day studying the immune system. I have a company called Cytosol; I run an educational institute called Systems Health. But we really educate people on the body as a system, but we do a lot of research and at the molecular level and it is what I live and breathe.
Many even scientific professionals who are advising the president, even MDS and pediatricians, really do not have a deep understanding of the immune system. It is not that easy, it is a very complicated system. And in fact the immune system that is taught in medical schools is a system of immunity that really goes back probably to fifty to hundred years.
Most people in medical school training, they do not really have a full-scale of understanding of the modern immune system. What I want to emphasize to you is I want to share with you as much as what I have learned. In fact, less than three four months, I was asked to give the invited distinguished talk at the National Science Foundation, at the Center for the science information on the immune system, which we are going to talk about.
But mainly today you are going to learn some science. I want to really focus on the real truth about the corona virus as I have shared. We want to talk about what you can do to help your own immunity. And really we need to have a discussion.