Food is an important aspect that allows your body to nurture and get energy from it. Your health depends a lot on what you consume and what you will become. Therefore, there is always the importance of eating a type of food that provides you stability. Has consumption of fast food has been raised quite a lot; people do not know the importance of immunity in the body. As a result, we get caught with different diseases and go through health concerns. One of the reasons why COVID-19 shows deadly results in the United States is that people are unaware of the immunity diet. 
In this video, we talk about the 10 most convenient diets that can help you to boost your immune system. Let’s take a look.

Number 10. Ginger: 
Ginger is widely used not only for cooking purposes but for home remedies and medical purposes also. Ginger contains a substance called gingerol, which is a bioactive ingredient. It helps to decrease inflammation, pain, and also getting rid of the state of nausea. To build immunity, one can have an increased amount of ginger quantity in their food and can also add it a little bit in different Milk Shakes. It allows you to get recovered due to its active bio-agents and helps decrease pain and build immunity back. 

Number 9. Spinach:
Spinach contains different substances such as vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, and Calcium. It also has numerous antioxidants and beta carotene that fights against the infection in the body. Spinach contains Iron that helps creating the red substance of blood called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen and provides them to the body tissues. Therefore, it is essential to just slightly cook the spinach to retain its nutrition and healthy elements. 

Number 8. Garlic:
Garlic is found in almost every cuisine in the world, which helps in bringing up the flavor. However, it secures our arteries to be blocked and keeps them soft to continue blood flow. Garlic also helps in lowering blood pressure. Garlic also improves your digestions, and it contains sulphur compounds. It has widely used as a home remedy to cure people of flu and cold.

Number 7. Yogurt: 
You all may know that yogurt is a product of a bacterial reaction to the milk. Yogurt contains essential elements such as Vitamin D that help you grow your hair, provide immunity to your body, and keep your skin gentle and soft. If you are fighting with any digestive issues, it is always recommended to eat yogurt with honey. It also contains Calcium that provides strength to your teeth and bones. 

Number 6. Almonds: 
Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and a helpful element in fighting diseases. An adult needs 15 grams of vitamin E, which can be accessed through a cup of almonds. It is highly recommended to have almonds daily as it also helps in getting fibres, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. It also has protein that helps build muscles and contains fat, which is quite easily burned.

Number 5. Sunflower Seeds:
If you have ever seen baseball matches, the spectators and players have sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds include vitamin E that regulates and maintains the immune system, and activate the cells to function again any kind of disease.

Number 4. Turmeric: 
Turmeric has always been an important and central ingredient if you are thinking of making curry. However, it is also widely used as an anti-inflammatory agent in treating both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you are having pain after doing any exercise or if you have damaged any muscle, it is recommended to have turmeric with milk. Turmeric produces a substance called Curcumin that boosts immunity in the body and produces anti-viral agents. 

Number 3. Green Tea:
Green tea is highly used to reduce fat and body weight; however, did you know that green tea contains flavonoids that are an antioxidant. Both black and green tea produces these substances that help in combating against different diseases. Green tea also contains an amino acid, L-Theanine, which assists in producing germ-fighting compounds in T-cells.

Number 2. Papaya: 
Papaya is loaded with double of vitamin C, and it contains in more amount than any other fruit. Papaya is also rich with a decent amount of potassium, magnesium, and folate, which helps your overall health.

Number 1. Poultry: 
If you are sick, you always go to grab chicken soup to get some energy in the body. Poultry such as chicken and turkey contain high vitamin B-6 that ensures health, and produce new healthy red blood cells. By boiling the chicken to prepare its broth, you will get gelatine, chondroitin, and other nutrients to heal the gut.

And this ends our video; hope this video will help you construct your immune system with our recommended foods. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, so you never miss any videos from us. See you in the next video till then, take care.
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