#InFERNessDance [Batman Edition] #FERNC #PriorityImmunity #InFERNess

I don’t have to become a superhero to bring health and immunity to my friends and family. All I have to do is give them #FERNC.
And in these difficult times where there is a lot of threats to our health and safety, we have to prioritize our immunity to protect ourselves against different kinds of illnesses. #PriorityImmunity
To boost our immunity I make sure that we take our daily dose of Vitamin C thanks to FERN-C. It is non-acidic so it can be taken with an empty stomach, no more worries about hyperacidity.
#InFERNess it is also an excellent brand that has been trademarked “Quali-C” that is prized for its quality and reliability. It is a Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C so it is great for tissue and wound healing and it is also a potent anti-oxidant, what more could you ask for?
We should focus on being healthy in mind and body. Bringing a positive change in the world as we face this pandemic and in the future when we are back to normal we could look back and thank our past selves that now we can face the future with confidence. But for now, let’s dance! #InFERNessDance